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Kids feel empowered when they are put in charge. Giving them the opportunity to make their own decisions helps them build self-confidence and good judgement. However, be sure they know the limits and provide them with multiple choices. Here are a couple of examples:

  • Let them choose between a couple of lunch options on school days.

  • Once they recognize the difference between warm and cold weather, let them make decisions on how warm to dress. (You’ll be surprised how quickly they opt for the warm clothes on cold days!)

  • Let them, within reason, choose their wardrobe, hair style, and bedroom decorations.

Decision-making is one of the greatest benefits of martial arts classes for kids. We not only teach your child to make decisions, we teach them to make GOOD decisions! A big part of our curriculum for kids martial arts classes is teaching them how to handle and respond to peer pressure, as well as regularly discussing anti-bullying strategies and techniques they can use every day.

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