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Life skills 3-HAVE THEM HELP

Kids like feeling as though they are making a difference. Helping others is a great way to give them this sort of satisfaction. Asking kids to contribute will allow them to see that tasks require effort and thinking, and will prepare them for larger tasks ahead. Here are a couple of ways that kids can help:

  • Help around the house - this will give them self-confidence by contributing to a safe, clean place to live while working with their parents in a team effort.

  • Bring cupcakes to a nursing home. This will allow youngsters to see how adults live when they get older and is an excellent venue for adult praise to be lavished on the kids.

  • Volunteering at the local animal shelter - kids love animals, and animals love kids. Caring for a shelter animal will build both a sense of responsibility and sense of self-confidence. Just be prepared when your child wants to bring that puppy home with them!

Martial arts not only teaches children self-confidence and self-defence skills - training in an environment that often requires a partner and working together with other kids builds teamwork skills as they help their peers practice moves and drills together.

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